Saturday 23 May 2009

What the~

yo~ yesterday teacher Foo Mun Yee call us to carry the desks to the "dewan sekolah" dam heavy~

All of us must carry the desks from 5th floor to "dewan sekolah" walao~ luckily our class pupils damn " perpaduan" so we all 5 person in a low and pass desks though desks loo.....It fun! Teacher praised us too~ It good to have this activity cause we can " mengeratkan hubungan kita" (I know my B.M dam good......swt)haha~

after the activity, all of us sweating~ wow! Ken Yng and few boyz~ sweat until~swt~haha~

wait~ i got sumthing to say~ yea!that day hor~Cikgu Nor Haslida and maths teacher hor~ dam scary~ their 用心 良苦~ vali" wei da" haiz......teacher, soli for our bad style......soli...~