Wednesday 27 May 2009


2day,I am having my chinese "geografi". I am very happy to hear her "story" . And when she says :" .......professional ballet" that time.......I become very hate( dunno why....just because the word "ballet" I am not a professional balletrina, I know! But I just dunno why I hate to hear this word! Hell...oops....soli)

2day, I dunno wat I think.....I dunno I "black" or "white" .....teacher arrange me to take photo beside "him" walao eh~ how hurt~ (swt ....not so hurt la hehe~ Leng yi more fresh....because he stand beside her haha~

2morrow, got Ujian Kecil! walao~ today biology I simply do de~ walao~ the structure of leaf so very* difficult.....I think maybe for " zi qing" and "shi qi" better gua......

Its too late....gtg bb...... I love u all bb!~

Don eva "chuan" people that stopped ballet

Love is blame

ballet centre.....yong sui la~ me, yi sien and zi yen