Sunday 10 May 2009

My dreamz brokess..........

The magazines I mean <> is gonna "down". I am feel misreable now.
I just can't believe it why LHT can even "tidak peduli" our friendship and follow the others group. I even dunno that why the others members having some misunderstnding problems......
i dunno why you all need to "push" me down! hell! I know u all vali hate me but no need write those letters to ' scold' me ! U know it is veli idiot?! I will be more hardworking to change my attidute but I just don want our friendship just break like this! Everyone that in-charge in this magazines I will forgives! JUst her, LHT ! I will not even look at you, talk to you and be a fren with u anymore! I know u hates me ! Since u so happy, i can just fren the others but just except u! Sorry about that......u 'paksa"me de !