Friday 24 April 2009

Kuen Cheng

2day, Kuen Cheng High gots parents day~

Me? I dance my Tap dance.HAha~ not exam so bad! idiot la!
Ms LIm says she will leave us for 3 months, not teaching us. At first, we all are happy because no need to study in the "idiot,nooby,ENGLISh CLASS" but after when she told us that Ms Caryn will teach us......xp Wat the **** ! this teacher that scold wong peng xiong with :" What tha hack is this" u know, walao eh~ all of us clap our hands till pain! this is the 1st time she spoke these kind of words( I mean Ms Lim) Ms Caryn also sumthing sot~ that day when English lab that time me, hui theng and jia en send books to our class teacher and onli onli onli onli (*10000) late for 3mins also been scolded by her! She ask:" Why u all so late ?u noe we all din hab much time?!" WHat the ! we onli sends books to teacher onli ma! hui~yoh~=(

This few days i am veli tireD! AND the magazines--the inspiration of dreamzz are wonderful love it! mesti Berusaha lagi! Gambateh