Wednesday 18 March 2009


哈哈!那天跟你们介绍我的家族们。那么今天就谈谈我的傻友。。。。。。哈哈! 众所周知,我们JR1A 傻老多, 傻婆多的啦(Chuan leh ^^) 我们班很多gang de~

我最傻的朋友——胡靖雯。 她hor~ “劝”我不要讲臭话(假假)他说如果我讲臭话, 我亲爱的GT 不要我了。。。。。。 你吹呀?! 我有把握他不会不要我的。。。。。。哈哈(自恋。。。。。。^^)没有啦, 他很好人的,(告诉你,靖雯不会生气的,所以我们怎样捉弄他也不怕!)哈哈。

另外,刘立喻!!!!! Filli fish~ 我告诉你们,她是我们班的羽毛球高手! WalaoA~他有时也跟我们 Sot! 竟然陪我们上六楼找 GT ~~~~~~我们要 sot liao lo~ When we saw GT we wil scream and shout sot leh~ ( this my gang)

Lam HUi theng is also my best fren~ she vali good person. She sat beside me, and we can laugh and play 2gether every time.( sorry, I stop using my chinese star cause I hate ( hen yi pin yin) hehe^^

Next, Cheong Jia en~ This garl hor~ like that TVB that 陈法拉 she vali cute and pretty if got time I post some pictures up~ haha!!!!

Last, Wong Hao Ying is also my sot gang~ GT!Gt! she always play at me! SHe is sitting with the fillifish haha^^

This few of us always play "paper MSN" in class! We write all those 废话.( shh......dont tell teacher, if not have 小过 adi......)hehe~ lame!

ERm, no time I need to K my bookz for exams liao...... Next post I will write my another frenz......bye bye. Love U all !!!!