Friday 5 June 2009

Tagged again......

1. How did you feel when you woke up this morning ?

2. Would you consider yourself as a well-being person ?
I am not so "zi lian"......

3. Have you ever visited an orphanage or an old folk's ?

4. Have you ever had a best friend who is trustworthy ?
Of course.......

5. Do you want someone to be dead ?
U see, I am gud hearted~

6. Do you love to go to school ?

7. Who was the last person who text you ?
Jenny Fam gua......

8. Do you want any food to eat right now ?

9. What are you doing right now ?
erm.....tagging.....thinking What Question I am doing.....swt

10. What are you thinking right now ?
Tommorrow gonna see Jolin Tsai!

11. List 15 lucky people who tagged by you :
1.Emily CWT
2.Chew Zhi San
3.Lai Suzen
4.Lee Shimin
5.Lim JIe Xi
6.Joey Tee
7.Yap Pui Min
8.Denise Poh
9.Ang Eeshin
10.Jenny Fam
11.Phung Yi JUn
12.Carmen Chai
13.Leng YI
14.Ho Zi Qing
15.Cheong Jia En

12. Is no.10 is your close friend ?
Not close fren.....Is my close(*100) Kai Jie!

13. Does no.3 know no.4 ?
Of Course! Best fren!

14. Is no.13 single ?
She .......secrect!

15. Does no.6 love studying ?
No idea......

16. Is no.1 a genius ?

17. When was the last time you chatted with no.11 ?
Many Days ago.......

18. Say no.5's characteristic.
A bookworm.....friendly.......kind

19. What will you do if no.14 and no.15 fight ?
Clap hands......( la.....)

20. Do you like being friend with no.2 and no.12 ?

21. Does no.7 have siblings ?

22. Does no.8 and no.9 love music ?
I think so......