Wednesday 10 June 2009

Nice Holiday!

Yesterday, I went to Wen Thong's house to finish up the magazines of " The Inspiration of Dreamz" Wow! THat is fantacstic!

WHen I reached there, Han YIn was first, I am so shy to talk to her~ but she just answer and talk to me like last time~( I am vali happy~) Next, we start to search for the designs and sumthing~ After eating lunch, we walked to the photostat shop " Got It" to photostat our magazines~ Me, Wen Thong, Teik Yi, Han Yi, Jia En and sexy Wendy walk together to the shop!
Walao~ very hot! We took the umbrealla! hot~ but Han YIn rode her bicycle~

We went to 2 shop to photostat but the best is "Got it" the others are the "gay men" wat the
the "gay men" hor~ funny lor~ they not photostat the~ they print!~haiz~ but we were happy, because sexy Wendy "belanja" us to eat "ice.cream"nice ! cool men!( this is the first time I went out without mum and dad! fantastic, pls dun tell me mum and dad....hehe)

After photostat, we went back to Wen THong's house! Fun~
gtg ler~ next time onli continue~bye